Second pintle Big Shoota is sorted and both have had the GS welds done. Unfortunately I don't appear to have any Ork Boyz to convert into gunners, so I am now waiting for the sprue I ordered off ebay to arrive for those.
The second Big Shoota is lower in relation to the walkway height, but I still think it'll need a firing step. But untill I get the Boyz for gunners I won't be able to do them.
Now, you may remember I have been stuck for sometime with what to do with this empty box like area;
Well I finally had a spark of inspiration...
Converted a grot and a squig from a Grot box, I have named the squig Squiggles.
The box area had some work done on it, namely on the inside but I also had to redo the rivets on the outside - originally thought was that you wouldn't see the inside so it didn't matter if the rivets didn't line up with anything. I also had to add another piece to the roof at the front.
I then knocked up a gate:
And when you put them all together you get a Squig Pen...
Many a grot has been lost over the edge and impaled on the walkway spikes when releasing Squiggles. |
Squiggles is used to hunt down any Weirdboyz that may get loose, as well as to keep some of the Madboyz away (he is generally unsuccesful in this).