Here is a basic rundown of how I went about painting the
Plaguebearers (as well as the Nurglings). It should be noted that the paints I have aren't part of the all new shiney range. As such you won't be able to follow it exactly if you only have new GW paints, however it is only a guide, people should modify it to suit.
Stage One - Base coats.
a. Over a black undercoat the Plaguebearer was given a rough
coat of Rotting Flesh, While I ensured raised areas were covered I wasn’t
fussed about getting into every nook and cranny.
b. Ogre Flesh wash was thin liberally applied.
c. This was followed with Rotting Flesh which was heavily drybrushed on. I took care to give extra attention to any areas I wanted to stand out
more, such as the belly
Still part of the 'stage 1' Leviathan Purple and Baal Red washes were used on the
‘stumpy’ legs.
Stage Two - Early Details & Further Washes to Add Depth.
a. Any recessed areas (such as the guts) which I wanted a
different colour were blocked in. For example the guts were painted.
b. This was followed by a Devlan Mud wash over the skin and
the purple/red legs.
c. Rotting Flesh was then drybrushed on and/or used to
highlight areas. Painting the recessed areas before the wash allows you to tidy
up anything that needs doing at this stage.
Stage Three - All the Details and many Washes.
The guts got a Baal Red wash followed with some Leviathan
Purple, before being gloss varnished. The eyes were picked out with red, washed with Devlan before highlighted red.
The horns were drybrushed white so that the horns started
flesh coloured and progressively becoming more white along the length.
At that point the pictures stop, the fact is the rest of it
doesn’t have a ‘recipe’ as such. I simply added more washes to tint the skin in
different areas.
Reds, blues, greens and so on followed with the occasional
Devlan to add more depth in certain areas.
I used more Rotting Flesh to highlight before picking out
the teeth and claws with white/Devlan.
For the swords I base coated then in Boltgun Metal before
covering them completely in a mix of different Mig rusts.
The boils/pustules were painted Goblin Green and were highlighted with Goblin Green after a Devlan wash. They were later given a gloss varnish finish.
After all that it was just a case of doing the base and the figure was finished.
Finished figure used in the pictures above looked like this:
Hopefully people found that interesting and possibly useful...