
Saturday 14 January 2012

Looted Wagons 9

Right the first Looted Chimera is pretty much done. When the second one is to the same stage I will return and add a few last details.

The banna pole and hatch are not glued in place. Big Shootas need to be
drilled out.

Simple and straightforward reinforced ram.

The chain and spike arrangement to hold the door closed.
When the lads want out they just pull the spike out of the chain.
Like I said it isn't completely 100% finished but it is close enough to move onto the second Looted Chimera. I'll return to do the finishing details.

Likely things to be done later:
1. More dags/glyphs.
2. Stikkbomb Chukka
3. Possibly firing steps of some kind


  1. Fantastic! The simplicity of it makes all the more impressive.

  2. Well, its kinda what I suggested :) Looks good anyway!

  3. Cheers for the comments.

    Faolan: Aye, at the beginning I did consider adding pistons for the opening mechanism, but couldn't be arsed in the end.


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