
Friday, 15 June 2012

Gun Turrets 3 - Is there interest out there for these?

Way back when this blog was young I showed a Gun Turret I had built and cast so I could use up some of the many spare Russ and Chimera turrets I had knocking around.

After selling a number of the gun emplacement sets I got thinking if people would be interested in gun turrets.

If there was enough interest I would do a new master for casting, similar design to the original one I built but better detailed.

For a recap this is what the first gun turret looked like:

The original master.

One of the cast turrets after the post cast details were added along with battle damage and basing:

The rear is an area which would see a big improvement.

Scale shot and an example of a turret in place
To see more of the original turret click here.

So what are peoples thoughts? Is it worth doing a new gun turret and is there enough demand to warrant doing it?


  1. Consider 1 sold if you end up doing these again.

  2. I would like one if the cost was not too high.

  3. I'm sure you've already thought of it, but you should consider separate attachment pieces so that the turrets can be combined into your wall sections. I say separate, so that if you want a stand alone turret you can still do that too.

  4. Cheers everyone.

    At the moment I am just gauging interest so i've got no real idea of time scale or final cost of the piece.

    Oink: The gun turrets won't be incorporated into the walls, generally they would be set up on their own or behind a wall to gain the bonus of cover.

  5. I'd be in for a trio of those for sure! Had a pair of the old FW ones and foolishly sold them off a while back, would love more for my guard...

    Good stuff, Rictus!


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