The wheel of time slowly grinds on as another month passes
by. Another month older, another month closer to the grave.
And on that contemplative and cheerful thought let’s begin
this month’s roller coaster Monthly Post.
So what has shown up on Recalcitrant Daze this month?
Well the Daemon force had a new recruit in the form of the
finished Blight Drone, his (her?) partner also got underway…
I’m waiting (should of arrived today...) for the new Codex and a box of the new fly
riders to arrive, who along with a box of Plaguebearers and a box of Nurglings I already
had should see the Nurgle force rounded off. I need to get some of these done
for this time next month (see later) so expect so see work on them very soon.
Also this month saw some more painted models with the first
batch of figures for Warhammer Quest being done, namely the Ghouls below. Still
sitting on my desk are the four Ogres waiting to be done.
Ghoul with a big bone. |
I have started building my small Zone Mortalis Deathwing
force, which may see an update on the blog soon – though until I have some Dark
Angel brass etch arrive to let me pimp up the Contemptors there won’t be much
to see. Dark Angels were one of my earliest loves in the hobby after GW did the
Deathwing expansion for Space Hulk. Been a while since I have had a DA force
which is a shame, doing them as a ZM force allows me to scratch that itch,
relive the old Space Hulk days while keeping everything at a manageable number.
The entire force consists of 11 Terminators (inc Belial) and two Contemptor
Nothing staggering, couple of minor conversions to the Dark Vengeance
Terminator Squad inc changing the Assault Cannon to a Plasma Cannon. |
I don’t intend in painting them for a while, but I wanted to
get them built now as it freed up some space for the Heresy Marines I had arrive
from Forge World.
Talking of Forge World I've had this arrive:
Woo. Not until May, but I can assure I will do one or two
posts on RD on what I see and do there.
Coming Up…
Generally it has been a bit quiet on here of late, however I
have started my next Ork commission which you might have seen in yesterday’s
blog post
here. In total I have three vehicles to do. After this Looted Wagon I have
a second one and then a Mekboy Junka.
Talking of Ork Commissions I have received some pictures
of the Karrier in its PIP state and thought I would show a few…
Once it is completed I’ll do a proper post dedicated to it.
It is shaping up very nicely, and the shots with the Krew really bring it to
Some may remember the meet up at Warhammer World I had with
fellow bloggers Maelstrom and Nife back in
October, well we will be
doing the same in early April. Hopefully the Daemon Codex arrives quickly so
that I can get the Daemons sorted for the gaming. The meet up will end with the
Forge World Open Day (tickets ordered).
So this month should see more Daemons, more Orks, more Quest
and to round it off pictures from a weekend of gaming and new Resin Crack from
the FW Open Day.