Still a fair bit to do, but it has certainly moved on since the last post.
The one rear exhaust got replaced with an Orky one:
The other gubbins were added to the rear including the hear shields - one standard, one ork. These aren't glued in place.
One light got replaced and the left side of the tanks got up Orkified.
I then looked to the system to attach the trailer. Movement in two axis which will have to be enough.
Note the Grot door below to allow a Grot to head out and unhook the trailer if required (a volunteer I am sure).
So with the trailer in place it looks like this:
I will have to do a base for this as it isn't practical to use (or display) without one.
Rivet count now up to 1011.
For regular updates keep an eye on Twitter - @Rictus40k